Since delivering Jacey, I thought for sure my forgetful pregnancy brain would vanish.
Today has proven me wrong. And it's only noon.
It started with remembering to send in a response card to a wedding that was due on September first. (And people who don't RSVP are a pet peeve of mine. I guess a late RSVP is better than none at all though.)
As I walked back into the house, my mind started working. "September fifth... why does that ring a bell?" I thought. Oh, because I had to send in Averey's signed 4B pledge today. (Be Prepared. Be Responsible. Be a Good Listener. Be Kind to Yourself and Others. Both the parents and student have to sign it. It has yet to even be signed. Oops.) Sure, I made her lunch last night, and even an extra PB&J for her lunch on Friday. We got her clothes ready for this morning. But I wasn't quite on the ball like I thought.
This morning, after Kelsey burned off some energy at open gym, we had to fill up my car with gas and get Pull-Ups at Target. (Oh, how I wish Kelsey stayed dry at night like she did before Jacey was born!)
Lately, I just go out and buy the small pack of Pull-Ups, which should technically last us about three weeks. Kelsey, on the other hand, makes the pack last less than two weeks. She decides once she gets one on before bedtime that she's free to pee in it... or worse. Gag me with a spoon.
This week, Target is running a special to buy two big packs of Pull-Ups and get a $10 gift card in return. I jump on these gift card deals when it's a good buy on something we really need. And I've come to face the fact that Kelsey will need Pull-Ups for at least the rest of this year. (Fingers crossed.) I printed off two $2 coupons for a single pack of Pull-Ups, and a Target $3 coupon for two packages of Pull-Ups. Score!
We walked into the store and Kelsey quickly pointed out she wanted the BIG cart. I'd tried to avoid using the behemoth before, but in the interest of Kelsey sticking close by me, I strapped her into the seat and put Jacey's car seat in the cart seat. It seemed a bit awkward to have Kelsey under me and Jacey so far away, and not to mention the thing barely fit through the racks of clothes. (Clothes? Wasn't I just going in for Pull-Ups?)
I grabbed the Pull-Ups, pushed the girls around the store, looking for some extra cheap good deals. ($1 for a bag of Utz Cheese Curls and $1.18 for a bag of honey roasted peanuts.) We wheeled to the register, checked out, and headed to the car. As I hauled the boxes of Pull-Ups in the trunk, I suddenly realized that I didn't receive my gift card. I browsed my receipt and saw one of the boxes was $25.99, not $19.79 like the gift card deal stated. (It wasn't my fault somebody put that box where the other was. Grrr.) So back into Target we went.
I explained the transaction to the lady at the return desk over Kelsey yelling, "Get me OUT OF HERE!" (Wait a minute, weren't you the one who wanted in it in the first place?!) We went back to the diapers, I grabbed another pack. And stupid me saw that I couldn't go through the automatic doors to get right back to the returns area, so I risked exiting the store to re-enter with an unpaid purchase. Gasp! As I entered the returns area again, I felt even dumber that she had been standing out in the open area, waiting for me.
"Of course I choose to do it the difficult way!" I had to redeem myself somehow as Kelsey was shaking the cart and Jacey was making her presence known.
A full exchange was made, and back to the car we went. But as I browsed the receipt, I noted that the coupons hadn't been deducted from this transaction. Sigh. Do I choose my sanity or saving $7? I chose the $7. I explained to Kelsey that mommy doesn't have her head screwed on straight and we had to go back into Target once again. By this time, I'm sure the lady at the register was thinking I'm a complete dunce, and Jacey was crying louder than ever. I told her about the coupons. She gave me $7 out of the register. She smiled as she heard Jacey wailing and said, "Somebody must be tired!" I was thankful for her empathy and promised her we would not be back again!
As I've gotten older, I've found that while my photographic memory is still sharp (sometimes it can be a curse), my short term memory pretty much sucks. I make myself lists and try to stick to a single task, but even a list couldn't have prevented the Target ordeal today. As annoyed as I was at myself, I've recovered. And if anything, it provides a little blogging inspiration. Another (mis)adventure under my belt.
Heather, I feel the same way! I have more moments of forgetfulness than I'd like to report. I often find myself starting a sentence and then bailing out... not quite sure where I was going with that thought.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally chalking this up to motherhood, right?
Thanks for introducing yourself over at Pink Dryer Lint! So nice to "meet" you!