Thursday, July 3, 2014

"I don't know how you do it all!"

This is a quote, coming from the mouths of many friends, family and acquaintances during the past year since I have ventured back to school. I'll admit, sometimes I can take it as a compliment that I can give the outward appearance that I can do it all. However, I know the truth, and I must quickly dispel the myth that I am supermom (hence the name of this blog!) and retort with, "I can assure you that I don't do it all WELL."

Yes, we made the decision for me to go back to school to pursue pharmacy school prerequisites. Yes, we knew it wouldn't be easy. But now that I'm a year into it, my only regret is that I didn't start sooner! It's something I thought about over the years but was either scared off by the classes I'd have to take or just by thinking "it's too late for me!" Now that I'm on the other side, I can see that Calculus wasn't nearly as frightening as I expected. Trying to add that to three kids and a husband and a part-time job though, and it's a trial and error situation.

What I've learned in the past year (aside from the academics) is that I don't have the best method figured out how to do all of this, and I kind of suck at time management. (I'm pretty sure Jake can vouch for that fact.) I've managed to make it to work and class on time, but as far as anything else goes, well, any hints would be great! I know I'm not the first mom of three kids to go back to school, but like raising children, there's no manual for this. Some days the kids watch waaaaay more TV so I can get homework done, and other days, I have Jacey pawing at my legs wanting "uppie!" Some days I can manage to keep a neat home, feed the kids and ace a test, and other days, well, I'm a hot mess. Jake has seen my tears (I had no clue that homework could turn on the water works for me), but through it all, he's my number one supporter. "You've got this," he says, even when I don't. And when I am upset about a C on a test, he reminds me, "You passed, right?"

Adding a job to this mix doesn't make it any easier. At this point though, I am more part-time than I've ever been, so I'm home more than I've ever been, and once I received my first tuition reimbursement check, it made it all worth it.

I won't lie and say it can't get lonely at times. Sure, I've connected with some of my classmates (which reminds me how I old I am; most of them were barely in preschool by the time I graduated high school!), and I've had some great professors who've been understanding to my life situation (telling them you have three kids and a job lets them know you're not fooling around and you will actually have legit reasons should you ever miss a class or test), but doing this sets me apart from my friends. There are times when I'm invited somewhere and can't go because of work or school, but there are also times that I'm home and I'll find out about something I didn't get invited to do. Or I've heard, "I forget that you're home more!" Let me say that it's always better to invite than assume. Sometimes I just need a social break!

Along with Jake, I have had an incredible support system. My parents, my in-laws, friends who've had Kelsey over to play while Jacey naps so I can study, those who have helped me study, and those who've prayed for my sanity... all you have done for us has been a huge blessing!

Through it all, I'm ready to continue tackling these pre-reqs. I have a timeline of what courses to complete when and when I want to apply to pharmacy school. However, I'm a realist. I have a husband, three kids and an older home that still needs some TLC. I know that I may not get there when I want, but it will be so worth it when I get there.

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