Yesterday was a good mom day. I kept calm in nearly all situations, I cleaned my kitchen and dining room floors (and they stayed clean for a record five hours), and I didn't wear one drop of baby barf on my shoulder for the first time since Jacey was born. I felt I deserved a little pat on the back. And I call myself "anything but supermom"?! Ha!
Well, today knocked me off my high horse. And most of it was my fault.
Jake and I had a late night after seeing the Zac Brown Band in concert (again), and I had a surprisingly restful night of sleep compared to the previous two nights (although I had some bizarre dream about being in a real-life "Hunger Games"). Since I didn't have to be to work until 1 p.m., I planned my morning out accordingly.
1. Do yoga on the Wii Fit. (Ahh, feel the stretch.)
2. Throw in a load of laundry (dish towels and washcloths, and in the meantime, snatching Kelsey's lovey blanket to throw in there too).
2 1/2. Oh yeah. I didn't pack Averey's lunch last night. Crap.
3. Turn my computer on to finish loading my mp3 player.
3 1/2. Whoops. I didn't get the girls' outfits out last night either.
4. Get Averey on the bus. Get Kelsey to preschool.
5. Go to the mall (Gymboree--the only reason to go to the Nittany Mall, besides the Gap. Well, that and to get my rings cleaned at Kay's).
I completed task 1. The rest of them melded together in a mess of whining, crying girls. It all started when Averey got out of bed and couldn't find her slippers. Panic ensued. Never mind that she picked out her shirt to wear but was upset with me for not bringing up the leggings to go with it. (I try and do an "I Dream of Jeannie" "blink" in the hopes I will magically have larger closets and bedrooms. It hasn't worked yet.) I run downstairs, sort through a dresser, grumbling, and find the leggings. By this time, Kelsey is fussing over the outfit I chose for her. (Really? You're THREE!) There was no satisfying either girl. I lost my temper, threw my hands in the air and said, "I'm done!" (And then remembered I had to empty the dishwasher.)
During this cacophony of girly whining (I know, it's only going to get worse), I somehow had to coerce Kelsey into giving up lovey so I could wash the black haze that now covered her. Ew. This kid could misplace lovey on her own accord and not care, but the moment you try and take lovey from her, fuggedaboutit! More crying ensued. Surprise, surprise.
After breakfast, the girls retreated to the sun room to play with the dollhouse, which can be a source of fighting. This morning was no different. And Kelsey purposely untied her shoes, crying that they were undone.
I often wrestle with the fact that I work outside of the home, but today, I seriously couldn't wait until 1:00.
Somehow, Averey got on the bus, Kelsey got to preschool, and I had some quiet time with Jacey. We headed to the mall. While I planned to get there as it opened at 10, I didn't leave the house until then. But that left me with close to an hour-and-a-half to shop. Surely I could get my in-laws an anniversary card, get my rings cleaned, pick out clothes for the girls at Gymboree, and shop for myself at Gap.
I dropped my jewelry off and headed to Gymboree. We have planned a **surprise** family photo session for my in-laws for their 40th anniversary (in lieu of going to Sears as my mother-in-law usually plans--and no, she doesn't read my blog. Nor does she know I write one. The secret is safe here). While I could match up clothes between Averey and Kelsey, Jacey's wardrobe is very limited. Good excuse to buy some clothes... not that I need a real excuse.
In coordinating colors, finding the right sizes, I spent waaaaay too much time there. (I know Jake is rolling his eyes already.) By the time I finally got in line, the three people ahead of me took waaaaay too long. As I finally had my turn, the prices were even lower than expected (Yay! Plus a 20% off coupon I got in the mail. Double yay!), but that meant I was $8 away from earning Gymbucks. Well, if I'm that close... back to shopping. Checking my watch. Realizing I'm going to be late picking up Kelsey from preschool... because of SHOPPING. (Stop rolling your eyes, Jake!)
I picked up my jewelry (but no anniversary card), hustled out of the mall (I'm just leisurely jogging with my stroller, folks), and decided to phone a friend to let the teachers know I'd be running a couple minutes late. Thankfully, Kelsey didn't even notice. She was just excited to tell me that her teacher chose her to open the door to go the playground.
Days like these can certainly humble me. Most of it was my fault (but the ladies in front of me at Gymboree were a little at fault too. Just trust me on this one.), and it just reminds me that this mom job is no easy task, even when one of my most favorite activities (shopping) is involved. But at the end of the day, my girls are still excited to see me even after my patience ran especially thin. Thank God for their sweetness.
Although, I'm not sure it's really all that fair that Jake gets to go out and have a beer with his friends tonight.
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