Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ohhh, Back to School!

Averey started first grade today. She was excited, but did comment that she'll be shy around her new teacher and new classmates. (For those who know her would probably find this to be a surprising statement. I know I did.) After all, she will be one of four kids in her class that were in the same Kindergarten class last year. I was quite surprised by that; there were only three Kindergarten classes with less than 20 kids per class. 

I know that some people tend to get emotional on the first day of their children going back to school, but that has not been me. Sure, I can remember Averey being a sweet baby and toddler, but my life was so different at that time, that to me, it does not seem like yesterday. It seems ages ago, unlike me being in first grade, which sometimes does feel like yesterday. I don't recall my first day, but I do remember Mrs. Sullivan's classroom, writing exercises, and my poodle-curly permed hair. (Gotta love 1985. Lucky for Averey she won't face that same fate of hideous hair.)

The anticipation and excitement of the new experience of first grade may be similar for us both, but a lot has changed in 27 years. Averey gets to use an iPad for some learning exercises; I don't think I saw a computer in my school until the end of 4th grade in 1989 (and I'm pretty sure it was wheeled around between the three 4th grade classes). There's a peanut-free table in the lunchroom to shield the allergic kids from kids like Averey, who lives on peanut butter and jelly; I never heard of a peanut allergy until much later in life. During reading time, our class was divided into three groups by how well you could read; now the lines are blurred, and there's ADD, ADHD, Autism and classroom assistants. And we now have to buy Averey school supplies including markers, Clorox wipes and tissues, while we received a box of (sometimes used) crayons on our first day of school and minty-smelling paste.

And yet, some things will never change. Averey carried her backpack on both shoulders as she hopped on the bus, dressed in a colorful new Gap dress and cardigan (okay, there was no Gap Kids at our mall, so I doubt I was as trendy), and she gushed about how awesome her first day was. The rules may have changed a bit, but the game is still the same. 

In the meantime, Kelsey's preschool teacher stopped by for an introductory visit today. She yammered away and was convinced that the teacher was taking her to school today. As she insisted, "Today is FALL!" This should be an interesting year for her too.

So here's to new adventures for our bubbly girls (and hopes that I can be a little more organized in the mornings as I soon head back to work)!

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