Friday, July 27, 2012

In One Month...

Jacey is one month old today. Already! It seems the month prior to her birth felt so slow (mainly because I had no idea what day she would be arriving, and we had yet to know if we were having a boy or girl), and now the time has flown by. I know one month goes fast, as well as 3 years, and 6 years... Here's just some random thoughts of mine as we celebrate the first month of Jacey Johna's life!

In one month, I have...
gotten over my fear of having 3 children in our house.
been trying to resist buying matching outfits for all the girls.
watched 2 sisters welcome a third, and dote on her every minute they can.
heard the sisters tell me every single time she cries, as if I'm completely unaware of the fact.
watched my husband embrace another daddy's girl.
remembered how breastfeeding relaxes me (and helps take off the baby weight).
remembered how potent those baby poops are, especially when it explodes out of a diaper.
forgotten how much it hurt to labor and give birth with no epidural (eh, not really).
forgotten what it was like to sleep through the night.
enjoyed waking up to that little crying baby at 2 a.m. (seriously, I do).
loved just watching her sleep, gaze around, and flail as she figures out her body parts.
loved taking naps with that little warm body on my chest.
realized that I better eat up every second with her, as she is our third and final child (unless God has other plans)!

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