I can hardly believe I have a ONE-YEAR-OLD today!
(I can hardly believe it's been over six weeks since I posted my last entry!)
While I have plenty of inspiration swirling around me, I've just not put the fingers to the keyboard. Alas, I'm sure the three little girls that provoke entries in my head also prevent the entries from making it to the computer.
Now that I've been a mother of three girls for a year now, perhaps I can dispense wise advice about having three children... but as I am still in the learning process (and fully expect this to be a learn-on-the-job experience for the rest of my life), what I've learned most is to not let those precious moments with your last baby pass you by. Don't let the frustrating times with your stubborn 4-year-old get the best of you. Don't forget to share those joyous moments with your exuberant 7-year-old. (And let's not forget that the 4-year-old is also hilarious, so try and write down every funny thing she says!)
On a daily basis, I am still somewhat dumbfounded that I have three girls. Since both Jake and I grew up in two-kid households AND we each had a brother, we knew that when Jacey came along, we were treading in uncharted waters. Of course, strangers will freely give their opinions: "Good luck!" "Just wait until they're teenagers!" (To which I respond, "I was a good teenager, so there's always a chance they'll take after me!") and my personal favorite: "Are you gonna try for that boy?" (I STILL don't know how you "try" for a boy or girl!) My response is that I'm quite happy with three girls, and truthfully, I don't feel that I'm missing out by not having a boy.
And now, baby girl is one. I still vividly remember her longer-than-expected labor, the screaming and writhing in pain that probably scared some first-time mom down the hall, and the feeling right after she was born: joy. And she is the essence of joy; another sweet baby girl who sucks her thumb, who patiently waits while I tend to her sisters, who is the peacemaker for said sisters (all I have to do is show them Jacey when they're fighting, and they melt with, "Awww!"), who gives silly grins and is now exploring everything (including electrical outlets--yikes!), who I swear says, "HEATHER!" when she sees me (kind of sounds like a combo of my name and "Hi-yah!"), and who reminds me of both Averey and Kelsey as babies. She is the piece that completes our family.
It may be chaotic and crazy, and I am not sure how we manage to get out of the house in one piece most days, but while I feared the prospect of three children one year ago, I cannot imagine it any other way now.