Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My blog-iversary!

Well, it's official. I've been blogging for a year now. Clearly that gives me the right to use a corny term in my title.

I hope during that time I've been able to encourage other moms so that they don't feel bad about their own chaotic situations. While I haven't maintained consistency (an entry daily, every other day, or every week even), I think 42 entries in the past year isn't anything to sneeze at considering I've been feeling hectic in my own life situations.

I also hope that I've been able to make people laugh. While I don't consider myself funny, I've been told multiple times that this entry or that entry made someone giggle or altogether laugh out loud, I guess maybe I must be somewhat humorous. And really, in a house full of loud silly girls, there's bound to be a lot of laughs, even when the situation that presents itself isn't quite laughable in the moment.

So here's to more entries, maybe more consistency, and always inspiration, which never runs dry in this house.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

We have been getting an earful of whining, tattling, grumbling, and bawling this weekend. Between on-the-go Kelsey who cries at the drop of a hat (at seeing her dinner plate--never mind she's the non-picky child; at us persuading her to go to the bathroom, because her socks aren't on right, whatever the un-rational reason may be), and Averey who whiiiiiines incessantly ("I'm hungry, thirsty, bored", "Kelsey's hitting, punching, looking at, breathing on me!"), we've had them both in a time-out chair this weekend. I've had to separate them twice (which made them both cry, even though they weren't in trouble), and we've had to ask them to clean up their messes for the umpteenth time.

If I felt like bundling (and un-bundling) them in their snow clothes, I have half a mind to send them out in the snow just so they can fuss and whine outside!

But oh, I am hating the snow. I'm tired of cold weather. I can't stand my winter clothes anymore. I want to wear sandals. I need some fun spring clothes and shoes. I need a haircut and highlights. I want someone to come through our house and not comment on the low ceilings. I want someone to actually put an offer on our house. I want that bigger kitchen in THE house we've placed an offer on. I want...

Oh, was I complaining about my children whining? Hmm.

Perhaps we all need a lesson on not whining: Philippians 2:14 "Do everything without grumbling or arguing..." 

I know my circumstances are great. I am thankful for so much in my life. Sometimes I just let those trivial things get in the way. And above all, I thank God for Jake, who is able to deal with all of this feminine whining without whining himself. Well, he may grumble a bit... but I think he's earned it. He is sinking in this sea of estrogen after all.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Trying to Escape the Neon

Shopping has always been a favorite pastime of mine. When I can clothes shop for my girls by myself, I am happy as a clam. Yesterday, I set foot in Gymboree, to browse and select Easter-y clothes for my trio. With the coordinating colors and outfit decisions, it is a haven for a mother of three girls like myself (and pure torture for my husband). I finally settled on one of the new spring lines with lilac, buttery yellow and green. The outfits, classic and able to be worn again (I don't believe in buying fancy Easter dresses: completely impractical for my girls' wardrobes), passed down from girl to girl, and (thankfully) my girls loved the choices I made (but they have yet to complain about anything I bring home).

Since I had some time to myself at the mall, I checked out a couple of other stores, and then I headed into Justice with much trepidation. I've heard Averey mention Justice a couple times this school year; since I go to the mall typically by myself, I've purposefully avoided it. But the sales looked incredible, and surely I could find something suitable for Averey.

I walked into perpetual neon, lace, animal prints and peace sign barf. I know sequins and glitter are fun, and I wore my fair share of shiny, glittery, obnoxious clothing in high school and college. I know my middle school wardrobe had its fair share of neon too. I just can't say there would be much in there I would feel good about my 7-year-old wearing to school... especially because they go up to size 16. And in browsing in a couple of other department stores too, the neon was overpowering, and honestly, a lot of it just looked trashy. (Since when did skulls become "cute"?)

So either I just have good taste or I am out of style. I'm going out on a limb to say it's the former rather than the latter. Thankfully, Jake and I share the same view on clothes, so he doesn't usually mind my Gymboree sprees.

I know the day is coming when I won't be able to shop for my girls' clothes without them in tow, and I know they'll be giving their opinions. My hope is that I've dressed them well and modestly enough while they're young so they make wise clothing choices when they're older. For now, I'll just find solace in the non-neon environment of Gymboree (and a couple other select stores).

I can see it now: as teenagers, they'll probably be wearing some obnoxious clothing, and I'll tell them that they will laugh at those clothes when they're older (just like my mom told me), and I will be hopelessly out of style (even if I know I am still in style). Fashion and motherhood share a vital characteristic: everything comes full circle.