Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mom Confessions

"Mommy, can I just say one thing? Kids are more important than a computer!"

You have a point there, Miss Averey. Thanks for putting me in my place again.

But let me back up for a second. I was in the middle of paying some online bills, it's not like I was facebooking or anything. I told her to give me JUST ONE SECOND (which is never a second) and I would listen to her whine about being hungry for a snack.

Before I became a mom, I often thought to myself that I would never do or say certain things, I would handle all interactions with my children with love and patience. Once Averey turned three (because three is far worse than the "terrible twos", I don't care what anyone says), that went out the window. Having Kelsey in the house doesn't help matters either.

They say confession is good for the soul (or maybe it's chicken soup). I hope and pray I'm not alone in my bad mommy-ness, so I shall divulge some of those unsavory, less-than-stellar, hypocritical, screaming mom moments.

I have yelled at my kids... to stop yelling at each other.

I've told Averey to pick out her clothes, and then tell her to change because she doesn't match.

I tell poor Jacey, "Hang on!" when she's fussing for food while I throw a load of laundry in the wash... or finish updating my facebook status.

I have uttered the dreaded phrases, "Because I said so." and "There are starving people who would be happy to have that!" (None of which has EVER satisfied them for an answer, or made Averey clean her plate.)

Dinner at our house usually consists of Averey burping on command, Kelsey (naturally) burping in the middle of a sentence and getting up to either run around the table, or push her chair from the table and eat standing up, or scooping the food so close to her mouth that she's licking the table. Never mind the fact that I pass gas in the middle of a meal and have breastfed while drinking wine... (which, by the way, is not a pipeline directly to the babe, so by the time she'd nurse again, it would be through my system!) How is it that the only man in the house is the least hoggish of us all?

I've tried to tell Kelsey not to eat food off the floor only to perpetually be 10 seconds late every single time. Oh well, she'll have a strong immune system (?).

I've rolled my eyes when the girls insist they have to go potty as soon as we go out in public and asked if they can wait. (Which I realize is a huge risk. On rare occasions, they forget they've asked, but most times they're holding themselves as if their bladders will burst.)

I've turned the TV off because I'm sick of the girls loafing in front of it (and they receive more than their recommended dose of TV time), yet I don't suggest they do anything else.

I've gone out with them in public only to wish that I hadn't set foot out of the house only because Averey starts whining the moment I say we're leaving (today it was the library--never mind Kelsey was running down the bookcase aisles and Jacey was screaming) and Kelsey can escape faster than the speed of light. I really hate it when my stern mom voice comes out in a public place. I can almost feel they eyes of the other moms boring into the back of my head. (Oh, her children don't behave, she doesn't enjoy them, I would NEVER let my kid run down the aisles like that! That's what I thought too, until I had a Kelsey.)

I have covered my face as I'm busting with laughter when one of the girls gets overly dramatic about an issue and is in such a fit that it's just ridiculous. I've also laughed when they've done or said something naughty because it's just FUNNY!

Yet then there are those moments that I get kisses, hugs, and requests to snuggle. And I think for a fleeting moment that there's still hope my girls won't remember any of the above. (Except the dinner table, because of my 13-year-old-boy sense of humor... No wait, I do want them to have manners when they go eat at other people's houses!)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No One to Blame but Me

Okay, folks, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: just because I manage to get three kids ready whilst putting myself together in the morning and then head to my job outside of the home does not mean I have my $h!t together. (Pardon my French.)

A few weeks ago, a friend posted a status update on facebook about her frustration with no time in the evening to tend to her children's needs even though she's a stay-at-home mom, and she didn't know how two working parents could run a household. My solution? Time management.

As I once again spent too much time in one store this evening while I was supposed to be picking up groceries while Averey was at gymnastics, I realized I was a complete hypocrite for soliciting such advice.
Sure, I have my laundry duties down to a science (that's what happens when you don't own a dryer) and take a few minutes here and there to spruce up the house and can manage my time well (for the most part) when it comes to that stuff.

But send me on a shopping trip for anything other than necessities, and you'd think I don't own a watch.

Tonight, I got all wrapped up in crafty goodies at Michael's for about 15 minutes longer than planned. My indecisive mind took over, telling me I had plenty of time, and surely Jacey wasn't hungry yet.

But by 6:00, I knew I blew it again. I raced to the grocery store, power-walked through the aisles to pick up what was on my list (even though I left it in the car), and hightailed it out of there to call my hubby to ask if Jacey was hungry. (It was 6:15, and Averey's class ended at 6:30.)

"She was crying, but she's okay now."
"Well, do you want me to come home?"
"Well, I didn't think you'd be out this long. You didn't have much to pick up at the store."
(Feeling my face redden) "I went to Michael's." (Which I did mention before I left.)
"Ohh." I could see him roll his eyes. I could hear the annoyance in his voice. My husband, although never in the military, runs his schedule with military precision. His idea of being late is my version of being on time. (Hey, I'm not late if I'm supposed to be somewhere at 6:00 and show up right at 6:00! Anyone agree?) There have been a couple--few--no, many occasions where he's calling me to see where I'm at, when I'm coming home, because it's a bit--a lot later than I said I would be.

By the time I get home, I'm mad at myself for the both of us. I promise next time I'll be better (to myself), because surely I'll want to go out shopping again. Tonight was no different. I'm still annoyed with myself. I'm sure he's still annoyed with me too, but tonight is his night out, so I'm sure he's thankful for the escape.

Yet time and time again, he forgives me. And time and time again, God forgives me too. I'm grateful to have that model in our marriage, because let's face it, marriage isn't a piece of cake! (I should know from previous experience...)

This time management skill is clearly a fault of mine that I must pray about and work on continuously. But sometimes, when you're out of the house with no kids running through the aisles like banshees, asking for everything in sight, it isn't hard to lose track of time.

Oh, by the way dear--I got a LOFT gift card today, and I heard they're having good sales. Can I go shopping? I promise I won't take more than an hour!